Saturday, January 3, 2009

My journey thus far has taken me through Genesis chapters 1 - 10.

Today the focus was on Genesis 7 - 10 which covered from the great flood to the descendants of Noah. This may same a bit naive, but I now know the real meaning of the rainbow that appears in the sky after a rainy day!!!!! It represents a covenant between God and all living creatures on the earth and acts as a reminder to God of his promise never to destroy the earth by floodwaters again (Genenis 9:12 -17).

God's mercy will truly endure forever!!

Friday, January 2, 2009

New Years Resolutions

I have resolved to undertake the following in 2009;

1) Strengthen my relationship with GOD by reading the entire bible this year and applying the principles therein to my life.

2) Practice a healthly lifestyle by joining a worship dance group, joining curves to loose 15 inches and 10 lbs, taking daily walks and eating healthier food.

3) Making use of my entire tithing book - i.e use each tithe envelope within the booklet given to me at the beginning of the year.

Lord, as I embark on this journey to undertake the above, strengthen me each day that I may not fall week to the distractions that the enemy may have planned to deter me. I am available to you Lord, I surrender to your will and to your way. Use me that I may be a good example for others to follow and be lead to the cross.

In Jesus Name